LB Stimson: The Farmhouse At Peace And Plenty

Today I’m pleased to be taking part in the blog tour for The Farmhouse At Peace And Plenty. My review is written with thanks to Zoe O’Farrell and the team at Question Mark Press for inviting me on the tour.


The house, for all of its solitude, seemed incredibly noisy.The Farmhouse, having stood against time and history for nearly 160 years in the Virginia countryside, was forgotten and abandoned until Kyle and Jenny Dowling moved in during the summer of 1972. The Dowlings, married just a year, are struggling to repair their broken marriage. It was to be the perfect place, away from it all, to heal their relationship. Jenny would write and Kyle would tend to minor renovations. The rent was cheap. The realtor warned them, however, against staying beyond the final days of fall. “No, it isn’t recommended you stay through the winter. Winter is a difficult time at The Farmhouse.” But it was only summer and winter was a long way off.


LB Stimson: The Farmhouse At Peace And Plenty 

The Farmhouse At Peace And Plenty is a relatively short novel but it definitely packs a punch. I really enjoyed Stimson’s writing style: it’s simple and easy to read, yet very descriptive so it’s impossible not to imagine yourself in the village of Peace And Plenty. 

This is a very different story to one which I would normally read, but I really enjoyed it. Stimson creates the creepy atmosphere wonderfully and I definitely felt on edge reading in the house on my own! 

I don’t want to say too much about the actual story of The Farmhouse At Peace And Plenty at risk of giving away spoilers, but I will say that I found it particularly intriguing and I loved the techniques that Stimson used to bring each part of the story together. 

The Farmhouse At Peace And Plenty is available from Amazon.

You can follow the rest of the blog tour here:

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